Cambalache 3,14 - La vidriera irrespetuosa

Que el mundo fue y será una porquería, ya lo sé.

Monochromatic geometric $k$-factors for red and blue point sets with auxiliary points

by Delia Garijo; María Ángeles Garrido; Clara I Grima; Alberto Márquez; Auxiliadora Moreno-González; José Ramón Portillo; Pedro Reyes; Rafael Robles; Jesús Valenzuela.
Given a bicolored point set S, it is not always possible to construct a monochromatic geometric planar k-factor of S. We consider the problem of finding such a k-factor of S by using auxiliary points. Two types are considered: Steiner points whose position is fixed, and white points which have no fixed position.
Our approach provides algorithms for constructing those k-factors, and gives bounds on the number of auxiliary points needed to draw a monochromatic geometric planar k-factor of S.

Accepted for publication in Information Processing Letters

2013-09-06 11:18 | Categoría: Matemática | Enlace permanente | Etiquetas: | Y dicen por ahí

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