Cambalache 3,14 - La vidriera irrespetuosa

Que el mundo fue y será una porquería, ya lo sé.

Un blog en memoria de Ferran Hurtado

Ferran Hurtado Memorial, un blog para Ferran.
Lo que sigue es un extracto levemente editado (añadiendo enlaces) del anuncio hecho por Joseph Mitchell en la lista internacional de Geometría Computacional.

It is with a heavy heart that the international computational geometry community bids farewell to our dear friend and colleague, Ferran Hurtado, who suddenly passed away yesterday (Oct 2).

Ferran gave of himself as a teacher, a mentor, a scholar, a colleague, a leader, a husband, a father, and as a kind and ever generous friend, to all who had the distinct pleasure of knowing him.

The CG community celebrated Ferran's contributions at the EGC Ferran-fest in June, 2011. In the photos of the joyous occasion we are reminded of Ferran's influence on us all, and his infectious kindness.

Pictures taken during the meeting:

Presentation, mainly with pictures of the album offered as present to Ferran:

Some videos of the social dinner:

Ferran was recently included in the "Tree of Mathematics", an initiative of the Spanish Mathematical Society to "publish the profiles of scientific Latin American personalities, including Spain and Portugal, known for their research in mathematics or relevance in the use of mathematics (in science, technology, economics, ...), by their high creativity and influence, and their ability to inspire younger generations." See

The Spanish Mathematical Society has sent out an announcement of
Ferran's death and has placed it in its home page (in Spanish)

The Catalan Mathematical Society has also sent out its own announcement in Catalan:
Benvolguts socis,

Us hem de comunicar la trista notícia de la mort del professor Ferran Hurtado, catedràtic de matemàtiques de la UPC, expert internacional molt destacat en Geometria Computacional, soci de la SCM i company molt admirat i estimat a tota la nostra comunitat matemàtica, tant a la universitat com a l'ensenyament secundari, on va començar la seva carrera professional.

Que descansi en pau.

Societat Catalana de Matemàtiques
C. Carme 47, 08001 Barcelona
The colleagues at UPC have also published a note in "La Vanguardia" which is the most important newspaper in town. This is the on-line version (in Catalan)

The funeral will be on Sunday morning (Oct 5, 11:30 local time)

We welcome member of the community to share their thoughts and remembrances at a blog set up for this purpose:

We cherish our memories and will always hold you in our thoughts.

¡Muchas gracias Ferran!

2014-10-04 14:21 | Categoría: | Enlace permanente | Etiquetas: | Y dicen por ahí

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